Monday, October 6, 2008

"these things are important..."

We soaked up a great weekend full of conference talks, and there was SO much good, that the specific nuggets of good started to melt into the general 'good' pot of stuff in my brain. I went to the church's WEBSITE to find the text versions of the talks given this weekend, and found out they won't be available online until Thursday. (sigh) I was thinking of President Monson's talk on change, about the POW who was allowed to write a 25-word-or-less message home, after being MIA for two years. President Monson said 'imagine trying to decide what to write, to let those at home know it was you, and to convey your feelings...' he quoted the letter, and I know I won't get it exactly right, but it went something like this:
These things are important: temple marriage, mission, finish college (some other things) and taking family pictures twice a year.
I chuckled at that last part, because just that morning on the way to church, I informed my family that our annual picture taking day would be the following week. I have to give plenty-o-notice so that there will be plenty-o-cooperation. So this morning I was pondering my own list of important things. For today, I've come up with
-let your loved ones know they're loved.
-shower/bathe regularly.
-do something nice for somebody else.
-eat fruit loops for breakfast.
I've already checked off the fruit loops! Time to work on the other three.


ChefTom said...

It was a very good weekend of talks, advice and edification.

LL said...

LOVED the twice a year family photo idea. I love when they encourage and motivate us to do better. But I REALLY love it when they mention something we're already doing right...I've got the picture taking down...feels good!
Great talks, such a good weekend.

ellen said...

I'll bring some smarties in case I need to bribe any of the kiddies to smile!

Jo Jo said...

So wish there were blogging buddies out here to help with the pics - don't recall fruit with lops being in the word of wisdom? A

Becky said...

Letting you know that I love you!:)
Such a great weekend!!! So much to work on and SO much to feel good about. How lucky are WE?

Jane said...

Getting your family picture each year is one of my fave things about Christmas! :)

Conferene was so good. There were so many talks that I felt were just for me and my family.

Christy said...

The picture taking comment also filled me with guilt as I avoid them if possible...painful...
But I think you have much of the others under control.
I love feeling the connection with the rest of the world!