Thursday, October 2, 2008

BIG & little

I'd like to dedicate this post to my
and my

I'm watching you!

One's getting ready for college,
the other for preschool.

You remind me that time is precious.

I look at BIG, and remember when he was little.

I'm pretty sure it was just yesterday.

Take time to play. Enjoy the day.

Tomorrow will come, and the dishes will be dirty again, and the laundry will keep multiplying behind your back. But those moments for laughing and loving and playing and living don't. It reminds me of a poem that my sister-in-law cross-stitched for me.

Go away, cobwebs, and dust go to sleep.

I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep.


shirlgirl said...

Wonderful pictures of your two blondies! Oh, and I do remember Roger when he was little--even remember his first birthday, and I can't believe he is going to be graduating from high school and going to college. And, I remember when Mason was born and holding him when he was a few hours old--so precious. They do grow up very fast and you have to catch every wonderful moment while you can. The dust will always be there, so you have to grab the brass ring when it is there in front of you. Love you.

Aaron H. said...

yeah, yeah, boo-hoo and all that.

ps. bloggerlunch is LAME.

ChefTom said...

they look like best buddies. Thanks for the reminder. I am going to spend all day today hanging with my 4 year old. I wonder if I ask really nicely, if she will stop growing and stay my little princess forever.

Unknown said...

Aaron, will you be my friend at blogger lunch? Mom said I have to invite a friend. I invite you.

ChefTom said...

Aaron needs a hug... consider yourself man hugged Aaron.

LL said...

cute cute boys jenny~
Mr. M really does look like Aarons younger pics.
Hope you're having a good day!
did you want to borrow my book? if so, I can bring them tomorrow night.

Becky said...

aaron - need i remind of you mom's favorite saying growing up? "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all".

ps: hope you come to blogger lunch. a gaggle of women would be good for you!:)

Tina said...

Oh, I just love this post!! And, i too am baffled for how BIG Big is!! I can't believe he's already on his way to college. WOW!! Time really does fly...and i'm picturing seeing him this summer, TOWERING over me. Oh dear, i better prepare now!! :)
And little M...oh he's still so precious to me. LOVE them all!! (And OF COURSE YOU!! :) )
<3 Tina

Jo Jo said...

Love both boys, really loved big after this summer, he's a gem for sure, what a great kid. Amy Jo