Wednesday, March 23, 2011

CRESCENDO! ...and breathe.

This morning I met my friend Louise, and my new friend Dottie in a covert quilting bunker.
They've sworn me to secrecy.
I may or may not be conspiring to participate in some surreptitious stitching--all on the down-low, of course.
Then it was my favorite 30 minutes of the week:
Kindergarten Lunch Duty.
From there I ran off to grab lunch.
For one.
On the menu?
Comfort food.
The house was quiet, and I savored every silent bite.
I may have washed some dishes, done some laundry, wiped down some bathrooms and read a few chapters from my latest book:
It's COMPLETELY different from what I've been reading lately.
But so far it's got my attention.
Three piano students later, 
I greeted one RED-cheeked teen who has been coming down with some funky gunk. 
Her temp was going UP and her moxie was going DOWN.
My friend Joy has been in the hospital with pneumonia, so we've been enjoying her kids after school.  They make doing homework and playing outside new and fun again!
(The shift in the age demographic is making me a lot more tired at the end of the day.)
-Soccer Practices have begun.
-Needed to trip off to the doctor at dinner time
-Youth Activities at church
-A husband who is bringing home the bacon (from Alabama)
-a well-timed visit from super-home-teacher 
who also doubles as a babysitter/Taxi enigma; 
(all the dishes were done and kids were home when I got back from my run-around) 
and now it's bedtime.


Alana said...

Sounds like you could use an orange jumpsuit just for relaxation's sake!

Doran & Jody said...

I like to eat my eggs and toast the SAME way....cept I like my egg cooked first.

Thanks for being my sounding board tonight. I am off for a hot soak and then bed. Praying that I can complete all that I need to do tomorrow and with a happy attitude!! I still have that other issue I need to work through.

LL said...

I bet you slept well!
(laughing at Alana's comment)

Becky said...

And some awesome party planning thrown in there somewhere...or not. :) Sounds like your day was KILLER!