It was a fun new year's eve, complete with food, friends, family, and fun. We made foil boats, paper planes, blew bubbles, played pool, foos ball, darts and Snorta. We ran our naked feet into the snowy dark night, carrying tokens to represent resolutions, and then ran back in with the New Year--full of hope and ready to start clean. I'm good for another year. Happy 2009!
Post Script:

I WANTED TO BE THERE! Darn that mother nature, foiling my plans!
Oh well, we brought in the new year together as a family, still had a good time....just sad we missed the W. Family celebrations.
Maybe next year?!? This is tradition, right :)
YES. Next year! It is very much tradition. We'd even bring the running to YOU! Happy New Year!
Looks like fun. I celebrated by going to bed at 9. It was great and I enjoyed it.
It was FUN and FUNNY! I'm still laughing....Thanks for a great night. :)
I still have yet to participate in that tradition! Some year we'll be there. Looks like a great time was had by all. What did you carry?
This confirms it...you are crazy! Looks like you had a great time.
Happy New Year!
That is the craziest thing! Next year can I be the one to stay inside and plug in the foot warmers?
It is the craziet thing, I could barely get myself to the car to leave with coats mittens, scarf and boots on.
Oh, those tootsies look cold!! Bet the heat felt great on them. You were all so brave to run out into the snow in that freezing cold weather!! I prefer the fireplace without having run in the snow! I agree with Ellen!!
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