Monday, June 25, 2012

Take me out to the ballgame

Because it's SUMMER! we took a trip to the ball park.
It was super hero night at the Worcester Tornadoes last Saturday.  Our very own Mr. Morning sang the National Anthem with his first grade class to open the game.  They were fantastic.
 Seven of us went to the game.  There was much to keep us entertained, starting with rolling the rain tarps off the field before the game began.
 The Superheroes were downright friendly.
 There were cowbells for everyone, and complimentary sharpies for autographs.
 Who knew that Mom would have her catching hands on when they were slinging (fancy "PROPANE") free t-shirts into the crowd?  It was the prize souvenir of the night.
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks...
I don't care if I never get back!


Aaron H. said...

Yeah. That was worth missing my party for. Nice.

shirlgirl said...

What a fun day for all of you!

rad6 said...

what a blast, and such a perfect summer evening!

Jo Jo said...

Fun! We'd so be there for the superheroes! Are there any in July? Where's your oldest daughter?

LL said...

I just wish MR. M was doing is Camp Joseph dance along with that song. :-)