Saturday, August 23, 2008

Help! Do you shop?

A question for you:

Do you do the grocery shopping for your family?
Do you enjoy this?
Have you noticed that prices seem to be rising almost weekly?
How are you combatting this problem?
shopping the sales?
exhausting your pantry or food supply?

I'm trying it all, folks, and I'm in a funk.
A FOOD funk...
I woke up at 5:30 a.m. this morning (it's a SATURDAY, for the weekend's sake!)
and couldn't sleep because

a. there's no food in our house
b. tomorrow's Sunday, so I need to act quickly
c. I'm trying to stretch our overworked dollars to make them go farther

I'm off to the grocery store. They open at 7:00. I'll let you know how things go, but I'm really looking for the magic pill, here. HELP!


smart mama said...

I have been trying to ignore them- LOL. An extra pasta dish each week? Once fall comes I want to get back to my homemade bread making, with your gardening success maybe you should start a CSA. I used to be the best coupon girl but it's too crazy these days!
It is a constant battle between eating healthy and being thrifty!!

Aaron H. said...

rachael and some girlfriends are getting together to do a freezer meal exchange. talk to her about it. she's going to come away with like 20 dinners after dishing out only 5. now that's FREE food!

ChefTom said...

I am working on a 30 day meal plan, then I will prep and freeze a months worth of main entrees at the same time. This will allow me to buy some of the value prices large packages and use them till they are gone, I will also make it so there is only one day a month that my kitchen looks like a bomb went off... I am also hoping that we will eat at home more and not use the "It's been a long day, I don't feel like cooking, pick something up" excuse because that eats the money quicker than anything. We are also trying to buy on sale, coupons and on very few selected items generic brands.

Unknown said...

I'll have you know that I returned a wiser woman. I bought lots of store brands, plenty-o-pasta and went with a grocery list and menu plan. Now I'm updating the list (while the absent items are fresh in my mind)and always on the lookout for easy (not to mention nutritious and budget-minded) meals to add to my repertoire--I count my blessings with friends like you! You keep me cookin'!

LL said...

Wish I could help you here. I do know a MENU each week makes a HUGE difference. And it's helpful when your husband tells you DAILY, "buy only what we need to survive!"
Also, freezer meals are GREAT. Cook once, make extra, freeze it and you have meals for another day.
But wait, this is about shopping, not cooking...

Becky said...

I'm probably not the best one to answer this question right now because I barely have the energy to get up everyday - nevermind think about all the questions you just asked. I think you do a great job and need to give yourself more credit.

Joy said...

Okay I am glad that I am not the only one that is having to tighten the belt, because not only are food prices up but add that to gas and let's just say that I only drive my car and go to the store we I have to. Now that's big for me because I love to shop! But my question is cooking and freezing is great unless you have my husband who knows if you have frozen his food land he does not like it! Has to do with some childhood food issues, Freezer surprise anyone!

Ben Hutchins said...

Ok now... I have to clarify here... I like frozen food... pizza pockets, Rice bowls, burritos. Yummmy.

Just don't don't give me the frosty home made freezer suprise :)

Christy said...

My kids will still eat the cheap brand stuff, as they get older that may change. But I usually try to slim down on the meat, chopping it up to spread it thinner. Pancakes oatmeal, or eggs for breakfast instead of cereal. Cut back on daily snacks. Go shopping less, makes you eat what you have. It is a tough battle!