Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Welcome to TUESDAY everyone!
We have things to do, places to go, and friends to make!
UP and at 'em people!
Today my plans include
(but are not limited to):
-making a few visits
-a chat on the phone
-shopping for cake ingredients
-thinking about Dub
-sending a card
-eat something FRESH on this winter day
-kiss a few cheeks
Dance the merengue
ready, set, GO!


Smilin' sunshine said...

I love how you are always so happy!!

Happy Tuesday to you!

LL said...

I do know a dear friend is looking forward to a visit with you this morning, I felt tempted to come join you ladies. You make such a positive happy difference in the world.
Happy Tuesday to YOU!

Doran & Jody said...

Woot! I can't wait for your call or your card or hey even you visit!!