Monday, July 26, 2010

Let it be known

That: I love our pool.  When we moved here eleven years ago, I wanted to tell the sellers to TAKE IT DOWN!  Our oldest child was eight years old at the time, and I was afraid of keeping small children away from the water.  We ended up keeping the pool, Dub made some changes to the fencing and we have never regretted it. 
This summer has been a REAL summer!
(Last year it didn't stop raining until mid-July)
We've had Heat, Humidity and HOURS of cooling off in the pool that almost never was.
For this, I am grateful.


LL said...

When we were looking at homes to buy, I wouldn't even consider the homes with pools.
NOW that my kids are older, I SO wish we had one.
It has been a GREAT pool summer!!!

ellen said...

I love your pool too!

Janssen said...

Looks just LOVELY. Very nice.

Becky said...

We love your pool too...where are the lovely HAIR pictures of S and A? :)

Doran & Jody said...

FUN! If I come over and play in the pool will you make sure you get all the sharks out first?

AND do you serve chocolate dipped strawberries too?

oh...gotta go pack!!!

Cynthia said...

Aaawwwww....the memories! You and your pool are AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

Me too JEn.
Many of our grandchildren will have great memories of our pool...