Sunday, May 10, 2009

Don't throw her under the bus.

Take a few minutes this Mother's Day to click on the following link and read a profound, enlightening post on motherhood:
by soon-to-be Professor Zee.
a VERY brief summation in his words:
I love Eve, and I am eternally grateful for the part she played in the garden. On this Mother’s Day I honor her and all of her daughters, who have inherited her place of honor and the generous spiritual endowments that made it hers. Blessed be the name of Eve, "first of all women" and the "mother of all living" (Moses 4:26).
~Happy Mother's Day~


Becky said...

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY my sister! I miss you....

LL said... church on Sunday (i've lived Sunday twice :) the Bishop spoke of mothers and focused so much on Eve. I loved it!
Love LOVE mothers day, I enjoy all the tributes to so many amazing women.
I hope had a fabulous day!!!

Jo Jo said...

I've read for two sittings and am still not through it! However, Happy mother's day. Really glad I could chat for a minute. It's been too long.

Alana said...

Alana would enjoy this third comment... (this is Zach; I'm just too lazy to sign out of her account).