Monday, June 28, 2010

things that warm my heart

Watching the pumpkin plants grow too big for their raised bed:

catching my 17 year old practicing the piano:

and knowing that our sons love their dad so much that they split the ENTIRE wood pile in one day so he wouldn't be able to hurt his back again:


Sherry said...

Hooray for good sons!

LL said...

you have great kids!!!
I love that they did the wood pile for their dad!

Smilin' sunshine said...

What good boys!

shirlgirl said...

What great guys to do this for their Dad! And to enjoy playing the piano, too. Gosh, when did he get to be 17!!!! I can't believe it--I must be getting "younger".

Alana said...

Something to look forward to in a few years. Things that would warm my heart too.

Janssen said...

You clearly raise some very fine children - why don't you send me some instructions!

shirlgirl said...

Your pumpkin patch looks great--the second plantings really took off for you--glad about that.

Becky said...

Good stuff Jen. How is Mr. Dub's back anyway?

Jo Jo said...

I love watching your gardens grow virtual. Sorry about the back! And, you have such hard workers! I know where that comes from.