It is!
I love my kids. And they're going back to school.
How am I doing as a parent? I ask myself this often. I am aware of my short-comings and mistakes too numerous to mention. Am I sending out socially competent, kind and considerate members of society? Do we make the world a better place by being here? At what point do I stop worrying about my mistakes and how they reflect in my children, and allow them to be accountable for their own behaviors, attitudes, actions and choices? It's all part of the realization that by putting everything I have into raising them to the best of my ability, I can push aside my fears, tell them I love them and see them off and into the arms of the world.
It's a big year for us as we step into another back-to-school season.
Enrique: It's his last year of High School! Last chance at SATs, ACTs, college applications, making the grades count. He's one short school year away from sprouting wings and flying off to independence. I do love this boy of mine and who he's becoming. I'm excited for what's ahead.

And just look at this sweet gal! SHE starts High School. Yep. A freshman, and this girl is ready. Not an ounce of hesitation did I see in her as she packed her bags and strolled out the door. Four good years in store for her, and I'm eager to see her blossom as we go.

Roonie! She is off to a great start: her first year in MIDDLE SCHOOL. 6th Grade, and this was the child I had to choke back tears for, as I waved a cheerful good-bye on the front steps of the school. Why? I'm not sure. Those middle school years bring so much change and growth, and the peer challenges become more intense and eye opening. I'm grateful for her positive and cheery disposition. Go forth and conquer!

Miss Leeli was VERY excited to be starting 4th grade.
She got the teacher she wanted,
gets to ride the bus with good friends
and has already mastered most of the curriculum for the year.
...pshaw... she's cute AND smart!

And hello, it's KINDERGARTEN for the little caboose!
He has been waiting FOREVER to climb aboard that big yellow bus, and today was the magical day.
Lunch box, backpack, school supplies and a FULL day of learning.
The transition is BIG.
I was so excited for him, it wasn't even hard for me to wave a cheery goodbye. Plus, he didn't even see me. He plopped himself right next to a first grader and was well into a remarkable conversation, I'm sure, before they even got around the corner.
(as an aside, I will admit that I may have had a few nano-seconds of emotion later in the day)

For now, it's me and YONDER.
We're holding down the fort. I'm holding, he's PAINTING it. This guy's such a worker! A few weeks to go, and he's getting dirt and grime and paint under his fingernails all the while. OH, we're going to miss him! But our loss will definitely be Panama's gain. Empty nest? Not yet. And I'm NOT counting down.
Even though most days I am companions with that familiar knot in my stomach and lump in my throat, I am excited for what lies ahead.

It's not Fall yet, but I tell myself
WELCOME! to a new season.
So now that you have nothing to do with your day, what's your plans? :-)
What good kids you have!!
Are you(Yonder)painting the house white??
Enjoy your time with NOTHING to do!
Roonie made me cry as well. Is your house white?
my plans? bon-bons and soap operas.
the house? not white--still yellow. There has been a lot of sanding and scraping to prep for painting. Then he's priming the whole thing (white) and then painting it yellow again. Fun, huh? Nothing like painting the house---TWICE.
this gave me the lump in my throat. (although it's been there all week) I just see my future in your life. It all just needs to SLOW DOWN....I fear the day my first born leaves. Ahhhh, this mom stuff is hard. But as you said, the pay off is HUGE.
You have such great kids!!!
I LOVE those kids of yours. I feel like the proud Aunt for cute Sarah who for years didn't want to leave your side. Wow! Look at her now. :) Good luck in your new season of life. You've earned every minute.
YOur kids are SO prepared for life, even the Kindergardener. Great job to a great mom!
Your kids ROCK!!! I am sure it will be a splendiforous year for all of you!
What cute kids! :) I miss you all...
What a lovely tribute to your children!
And may I just say they are very LUCKY to have you as their mother.
Wow! They are such young adults and are growing up right before our eyes. And to think it was almost 6 years ago when I took care of the family while you were in the hospital having Mr. Morning--it seems like yesterday. I don't know where those years have gone. Enrique has changed so much--such a young man. Wow again! Enjoy your new life and maybe we can get together for lunch one of these days.
Wow! They are such young adults and are growing up right before our eyes. And to think it was almost 6 years ago when I took care of the family while you were in the hospital having Mr. Morning--it seems like yesterday. I don't know where those years have gone. Enrique has changed so much--such a young man. Wow again! Enjoy your new life and maybe we can get together for lunch one of these days.
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