Monday, January 24, 2011

1 24 2011

Ode to beginnings, dark and cold.
A crackly fire, a cup of tea and a stack of books, begging to be read.
Snuggly quilts
frost on the window
and the beam of sun spreading glorious warmth over the crumbs on the table, left from a breakfast not lingered over.
Corresponding with friends, dreaming up the perfect garden and resolving to be better, both inside and out.
Folded towels, warm from the dryer remind me of the steamy shower waiting patiently in the line-up of things I may or may not do on a cold day in January when I just might choose to stay in


Becky said...

I hope you chose to stay in. :)

Michael Stokes said...

here is a must read. Its great.