Monday, May 25, 2015


Five years ago over the long Memorial Day weekend 
we had a girls weekend, and my nephew Ben tagged along. He never complained about hanging out with a gaggle of noisy, laughing girls. He was patient like that. I also think he instinctively knew how happy we are when we spend time together. He picked that happy weekend to start his mission in heaven, and I think, although he knew our hearts would break, he also knew that we would have happy memories to look back on.
I like to spend a little time each year thinking about Ben around Memorial Day. This year I went with my parents to his grave site so we could spruce up his spot for summer. I imagine he turned a few somersaults and had a few giggles knowing how much he is loved.

1 comment:

shirlgirl said...

Nice post, Jenny. His grave site looks great, too.