Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Which came first?

I woke up this morning with a sore throat and feeling rather bleary-eyed.  I had a list of things-to-do, a few places to go and some things I wanted to accomplish besides.  When I went into my closet looking for something to wear, the options seemed especially lackluster: faded jeans, some shapeless brown corduroys, a passel of t-shirts, a sweatshirt?  My daily uniform.  Boring.  I decided that my commonplace routine, though a bit dull, merited some lively clothing nevertheless, so I put on some tights, a skirt and some heels, and accessorized with a red bracelet and my shell of confidence.  Off I went to teach a piano lesson, cash some checks and do some shopping.  When you look good, you feel good.  But is that the way it really works?  Or do you have to feel good to decide to look good?  I will tell you this: I felt better about my appearance than if the faded jeans and t-shirt would have lent themselves to my aura.  There was a kick in my step that my sore throat and bleary eyes might not have produced if it weren't for a little mixing-it-up with the wardrobe. 
 I wore my church clothes, and I didn't even go to church.  It made me think about my friend Leslie, and her amazing domestic art series.  
Who says you need sneakers to mop the floor?  
If your mood says heels, go for it.


Janssen said...

I have LOVED looking at Leslie's art - such gorgeous images.

Doran & Jody said...

Sounds like we have the same closet. Every morning I wonder which "race" shirt looks dressiest. Psha!

I need new clothes.

Doran & Jody said...

Oh and get better!

LL said...

I have that same cold :(
Perhaps I'll go put on a skirt and see if it helps.
You're CUTE!

Courtney said...

Love the outfit!

shirlgirl said...

Glad it made you feel better. I remember years ago my mother always wore a house dress. Can't remember what she wore for shoes. If she was going to work in the yard, she would wear her shorts. Later in life, she wore slacks and tops and, I think, sneakers.

Jo Jo said...

I love that art series for that reason! If the shoes are comfortable I don't mind dressing up and working at all! Love that shell! Got to get me one of those.

Alana said...

My feet never say "heels please" but sometimes my day says, "skirt".People treat you better too.

Becky said...

I have that SAME cold. Did we share on our sister day? :) Love the kick in your step. You're CUTE!