Monday, August 11, 2014


This morning I put on a skirt and some earrings and went calm and ladylike about my business. Mondays are typically harder than other days, and Mondays after a 10-day vacation when you've been driving for 22 long hours to get home to piles of dirty laundry and needs that must be met by the great and intricate web of family connected to your center are EXHAUSTING. Add in previously scheduled commitments and you've got yourself a prescription for combustion right there. 
Good news: I did not combust. 
(disclaimer: I know that combust is not a word. I don't claim to be an etymologist.)
Here's what I DID do:
-delivered tired 15-year-old to day one of band camp
-delivered equally tired 13-year-old to soccer practice
-tripped to the grocery store and escaped for less than $150
-put the groceries away
-picked up soccer player
-took nine-year-old along to collect 49 marching band uniforms from the dry cleaner
-unloaded 98 hangers-full of marching band parts into the High School band room closets
-felt grateful for a nine-year-old with muscles AND endurance
-returned home to make a few lunches and get shoo husband and oldest daughter off to Scout camp for the week
-spattered some encouragement in the general direction of the 21-year-old who was painting in a bedroom
-facilitated a trip to visit cousins in Northboro, and enlisted same painting son to drive nine-year-old to the meeting point
-had the thought that tomorrow will be MY turn to visit Northboro
-enlisted 13-year-old daughter to join me for my chaperone duties at band camp from 2-4 pm
-pulled the uniform closet at the HS together (this involved lots of pieces and parts of uniforms that needed to be put back together, and then hanging them in numerical order in a hot and sweaty classroom)
-threw my hands up in the air when my commitment to band uniforms was DONE for another year (Whoop!!!)
-brought the sweaty teens home and mustered up the oomph to make dinner: homemade mac and cheese and a pile of garden vegetables
-got nominated for the ALS ice bucket challenge
-thought about it. that was all.
-Looked at the large paper bag filled with summer squash and discussed possibly having a squash throwing contest tomorrow. Because really, how many ways can you keep eating yellow squash for dinner?
-Drove to the meeting place to pick up nine-year-old plus one seven-year-old cousin. #HOORAYforsummer!
-Spent way more than the "just one minute, boys..." talking to my mom in the parking lot of the meeting place because that was the BEST part of my day. She even told me I smelled good. #afterallthat
-Climbed back into the van to spy the cell phone I had given up for lost/stolen at Magic Kingdom two days earlier, wedged between my seat cushion and the mechanism into which you clip your seat belt. I squealed with delight. #Iwasntworried #worriednotworried #Ikepttellingmyselfitwouldworkout #itsurefeltgoodtobereunitedwithexpensivetechnology
-Felt gratitude. For so many things.
-Came home to a messy, messy house and felt okay about it
-Did the dinner dishes
-Tucked two tired boys into bed
-Managed to have the teenagers into bed before 10:00 pm
-Ordered a celebratory brightly colored phone case online
I'm claiming victory.
And a shower.
And the right to leave 15 pounds of yellow squash in the first unlocked car I find.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Combust is totally a word. I don't know why Blogger doesn't recognize it.

You are a super nice mom. You deserved to find your phone.