Thursday, July 2, 2015

If you build it, they WILL come

A couple of weeks ago Mr. Dub directed the building of what he called a platform for stacking firewood. I watched transfixed as they recycled our old deck boards into what, in my mind, appeared to be coming together as an ideal summer stage. I was delighted! But the workers had a hard time catching my vision.
Although he had doubts, Dub is a committed believer in the phrase 
Happy Wife = Happy Life. 
LOOK! He agreed to let me use the platform, and we pulled off a really spontaneous, REALLY EXCELLENT Skit Night. The 'burg's got talent.
 Friends, neighbors and extended family showed up. We provided the popcorn and lemonade, and the guests brought their A-game music, skits, magic, jokes and game shows to share.
We cheered, 
we clapped, 
we smiled and laughed.
It was an evening of FUN!


Aaron H. said...

Three cheers for this post.

shirlgirl said...

This is what it is all about.