Tuesday, November 11, 2014

25 years - that's silver, right?

Silver anniversaries, or in the world of old cars, officially antique. Since we both love antiques, we love that 2014 marks 25 years of being married to each other. We celebrated early--more than a month early actually, by taking a long weekend trip to Salt Lake City in October. We saw some sights, ate good food, met up with good friends, did some hiking and thoroughly enjoyed our weekend. We crossed some items off the bucket list by attending our first couple of live sessions of General Conference together, and also spent some time inside the Salt Lake Temple. I have some really great pictures on a memory card somewhere... for now, these pixel-y cell phone pics are all that I've come up with.
Looking forward to another memory-filled 25 years together!


ellen said...

Matching shirts? You are an old married couple!

Alana said...

So much celebrating. Where do you find the time!Congratulations. You still make a good looking couple