Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Na na, na na-na na na NA!

Rock Band 2:
The Momsta rocks vocals.

Settlers of Catan:
I'll trade you a sheep for a brick.

Scrabble Junior:
I complete word with O-T.

Tomorrow night's game: Live Clue.
It could be the jewelry girls
in the conservatory
with the iron.

I've got my game on.
It's still cold, and we're gearing up for a rockin' New Year's Eve...
no resolutions required!


Becky said...

The Momsta'? LAUGHING! Can't wait to see her rock out to "LIVING ON A PRAYER". YA baby!

Sherry said...

In my husband's family, holidays are all about day-long board-game extravaganzas. I can't wait to do it with my kids when we have kids, and when they are old enough to play.

And I really want to play Beatles Rock Band! Maybe I'll invite myself over some time. ;)

mckell.b.p.55 said...

Ooooh, I miss your New Year's Eve parties! And Settlers of Catan is such a fun game! You should try the Settlers of Zarahemla. It's great! :) Well, party on...

Jo Jo said...

We'll miss your party as well. It was good times, except for the bare feet in the snow thing. We've been gaming here as well.