Wednesday, August 31, 2011

In the Sea there are Crocodiles

Boy, this was GOOD.
I lingered over breakfast this morning, so I could finish the last twenty or so pages. Then I had to sit a little longer to be able to swallow the big lump of emotion in my throat when I was done.
This is a novel based entirely on the true story of ten year old Enaiatollah Akbari from Afghanistan who wakes up in a strange place in a different country, to discover that he has been abandoned by his mother.  Thus, at ten, and very much alone, he begins his journey to survive.  The story is a frightening account of how a young boy makes his way in unfamiliar places, remembering what his mother taught him and recognizing good along the way.  I especially appreciated that the story was presented in Enaiatollah's voice, as many ugly and unthinkable things were made to feel somehow less hard; as if they were being discovered for the first time, through the eyes of an innocent boy.  I loved that the author was so taken by Enaiatollah's story.  He inserts his own voice periodically into the tale; recording bits of their conversations together, as if to emphasize the amazing things this boy has been through and overcome.  I was silently cheering and hoping for the best during the two quick days that I spent reading, but consoled myself (when I got worried) by remembering that he makes it.  It is his story, afterall.
The Italian author, Fabio Geda, meets Enaiatollah at a book presentation where he was speaking about his first novel, a story about a Romanian boy's life as an immigrant in Italy.  Enaiatollah approaches Geda and says that he'd had a similar experience.  In the Sea there are Crocodiles is the re-telling of Enaiatollah's story exactly as he tells it to Geda.  And it has been beautifully translated into English, which I am grateful for.  This goes right to the top of my favorites list for 2011.  
I found the book at the library; I plucked it off the shelf purely because the cover art intrigued me.  I hope your library has a copy too.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It was a HAPPY school morning!

 Mesquite's off to be a sophomore.
 Rooney's ready for 7th grade.
 Then we woke up round two:
 Leeli will LOVE 5th grade,
 and Morning Boy thinks first grade is NUMBER ONE!
 Carrying all those school supplies will test the seams on their new backpacks.
 Good-bye students!
 So long sleep-ins...
Farewell Summer.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Today we brought jars of hydrangeas to Daniel's funeral.
Dub delivered the eulogy, and because he was Daniel's scoutmaster he also awarded the family life merit badge to Daniel's mother on his behalf.  
Daniel had fulfilled all of the requirements for family life, and had not yet received it.  As part of his remarks, Dub shared some of what Daniel had written in his family life packet.  To the question "Tell why families are important" he responded 
"We help each other get through things."  
I know he's helping his family get through this really sad thing.  
We miss him.

Antiquing in Maine

  Proper Antiquing includes stops for Ice Cream
 Lobster Rolls!
 and frequent stops to rest

There was something for everyone.

all hands on DECK!

 we've been sprucing things up a little bit around here lately, and there is a LOT of painting to be done!
 the images of all these kids painting so willingly reminds me of the incident of Tom Sawyer and his "punishment" of white-washing the fence.  He made it look so fun that everyone wanted in on the action!

 That's kind of what's been going on here... 

and although many hands have made things a little messier, 
they've also made the workload 
a lot LIGHTer!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Off to UMass

He's all packed up, moved in
and doing the college thing.
(and I miss him)

August meant Revere Beach with Cousins!

(the red tide was a bonus)
 it was like tiptoeing through bushels of red leaf lettuce swirling around your ankles.
 but the surf and sun were FUN!

(and the pac-man shark too)
the beach 
is one of my favorite parts of summer.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

the tree fort

 I know one little boy who is having a proper summer, complete with the experience of building a tree fort with his dad.
 The rest of us are getting a little hang time in the tree, as well.