Friday, October 31, 2008

Arrrghhh!!!! (mateys)

Happy Halloween (II), Trick-or-Treaters!

Mr. M. and his two fire fighter friends takin' in the big haul

And these two pirates were BAD! The wickedest pirates out tonight.
This one cheered us around the whole neighborhood!
Go, CANDY, GO!!!

And the scary award for the night?
Belongs to the LAWYER.
Are you scared?

She's feeling faint.

And the whole crew ready to GO!

And then...


By size, by brand, by the bucket full.

It's a disgusting amount of sugar.


So tell me.

Are you the eat-it-as-fast-as-you-can type?

Or do you have stale candy hanging around at Christmas time?

Happy Halloween!

Part I:
The Pumpkins.

Happy Day: ALL kids old enough to de-muck their own pumpkins.

working the design...carving them out

Happy is a mom with POWER TOOLS!

The finished products!

Bonus points

for those of you able to tell us why this last pumpkin is SO scary...

(and what it is)

Part II: the costumes

coming soon.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Good-bye NANA.

Sadie Alice Hill Hutchins

October 2, 1913 - October 29, 2008

Here's to you, Nana.

Always 'mugging' with your grandkids

Loved to hold all those new babies

Loved the spotlight

My top three about Nana:

She was always threatening the 'jewish knife' when she found out someone was pregnant

the Robin Hood in her: her tendency to 'borrow' items just to give them away

learning from her notes to me, how to put X's and O's on cards and letters and knowing what they meant
I'll miss you, Nana.

We'll all miss you.

awkward tag

THIS girl put out the challenge.
Post a picture of yourself at an AwKwaRd stage.
It wasn't hard--I have plenty.
This particular beauty is my 9th grade school picture.
My favorite, (besides the obvious braces) is the stick pin and fuzzy mauve velour shirt.
The hair do is nice, too.
Now it's YOUR turn!
Post that awkward picture.
Put it out there and laugh along.
Thanks, LL, for pushing me to SCAN my FIRST EVER picture into the computer!
I think I need to work out a few kinks, but wa-hoo!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cracklin' Rosie

To those of you Neil Diamond fans out there, let it be known that today is a day for pause. Because on this day in 1970 - Neil Diamond received a nice package: a gold record for the hit, "Cracklin’ Rosie". I have to say my dad hooked me. He used to paint and build to Neil Diamond. Any time he found himself working around the house, our 8-track was crankin' something Johnny Cash, Elvis or Neil Diamond, among others. I liked to hear him sing Cracklin' Rosie. I'd love to have him call me up and sing it for me today.

a thought

Every man is the builder of a temple called his body...
We are all sculptors and painters,
and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones.
Any nobleness begins at once to refine a man's feature,
any meaness or sensuality to imbrute them.
Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

what's a lipid?

A: "Mom, do you know what a lipid is?"

M: pause. "Ummmm.... isn't it a fat?"

A: "Mom. Look at your camera."

M: "Why?"

A: "You know that e-mail that S sent you about failing tests with dignity?"

M: "Yes. I know the one, but I haven't had a chance to read it yet."

A: "Well, read it and THEN look at your camera."

M: "Okay."

And HERE is what I found on my camera:

The name at the top of this paper belonged to A.

This mother couldn't be more proud.

Monday, October 27, 2008


It was homecoming weekend!
H.S. Pep rallies,Marching Band
Parade Formation
LOTS of noise,

The School Fight Song

Eager participants

The Middle School Field Hockey Team
Watching the football team win 42-0And the tradition of the FLOATS!
The Seniors made a Cat in the Hat float.
For 58 straight years, our HS has incorporated the
FLOAT contest between the classes
into the homecoming weekend and parade.

We look forward to it every year!
This year's theme was Childrens Books.
The freshmen chose The Little Engine that Could.

Our favorite was the sophomore class entry of Clifford: The Big Red Dog.
He was BIG!
The kids collected SO much candy from the parade, I'm thinking about skipping Halloween.

The Junior float was The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
It also won grand prize.

The WHOLE town was involved,
and It was FABULOUS!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

stalking the house

For YEARS I've been stalking this house. It's my favorite.
It even comes with vines, crawling up the brick walls! It's located on a quiet, country road convenient to NOTHING.
And just LOOK at that barn!
It even went up for sale once, and I dragged my family along to walk through it.
It was amazing.

This is the sprawling front lawn.

This is the view from the front yard, looking across the street.

And again.
And here's the street on which it is located.

This is where I live in my dreams.
But I'm happy where I am.

Friday, October 24, 2008


I don't want to play today.
Oh what do you do when you're feeling temper-mental?
'cuz I'm cranky!
My husband has a name for me when I'm feeling like this.
He calls me Mrs. Pants.
It's a derivative of grumpy-pants.
I'm just trying to stifle Wilma. She wears those pants.
I'm thinking her last name is Pants.
Sometimes they fit. And sometimes I wear those things.
cranky wilma pants.
P.S. I'll still be nice to you.
Just don't get too close on these kinds of days.
Or say nice things.
Then I just feel bad. And that makes me more cranky.
Maybe you could just tell me what you DO when you feel like this.
If you feel like it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


So now you're it~!

Got tagged from this guy--go see his.

What's the 4th picture in your 4th folder?

Here's mine:

Are you surprised? I wasn't.

This must have been taken last fall or winter. Mr. M. having helmet problems.

Let's see yours!